Ok so I have done lots of research on this topic and have found that the only thing hard cider and beer has in common is that both are fermented. Hard cider is fermented apple juice and beer is fermented hops. Now I know what you guys are going to say who cares hard cider is delicious and who am I to say your wrong but I will say it is not a beer. Hard cider gets a bad wrap has not manly or you're a sissy if like it, that is crazy talk if you like it drink it who cares what other people say hell I drink occasionally. Oh and since we are on the subject hard root beer is like a beer because it is fermented grains. Hard root beer is very sweet and to me is more a desert type of beer and not something I would drink all night. I saw a new hard sparking seltzer the other day in Publix so I picked it up and wow it tastes like straight water with a hint of whatever flavor you get. This drink is very sneaky and you have to be careful or you will end up drunk fast. I want all of your opinions on these "hard" drinks do you like them? Do you think differently about people who drink them? Since this is my first post I want to say please drink responsibly and for the love of god don't drink and drive it isn't worth it. Thanks and cheers to all the posts in the future.